The solid waste in the college premises is managed properly by the team of sweepers. The biodegradable waste from the whole campus is collected in the pit and kept there to be converted into bio manure. The same were used in the college campus for plants and trees. The college campus is full of greenery with maximum possible trees and plants in the whole campus. The team of gardenersmonitored and maintained whole campus with full of greenery.


The water from the roof top and from the campus premises is harvested by the means of rainwater harvesting units installed in the campus. There are two rainwater harvesting units in the campus. Further the students were continuously aware through regular classes and in the project classes about the conservation of the water. Students were also make aware by teachingthem about the useful use of the water with minimum possible consumptions. Awareness campaign in the surrounding villages also done by the students along with faculty members to aware the local villager about the importance of the water and importance of local water harvesting techniques such as ponds etc.


The campus of this institute is full of greenery. The indoor air quality is extremely good as the building is fully oriented with outside environment. Anti-smoking lectures also conducted for the students to aware them about bad affects of smoking on our as well our surrounding peoples.


The students at the institute are make fully aware about the importance of neat and clean environment through regular subjects of environmental engineering in their curriculum. Seminars and expert lectures were also conducted to make the students more aware about the importance of the clean and pollution free environment.



Following steps are initiated by the institute for increasing the efficient use and conservation of Electrical Energy
1. Energy audit: Energy audit of this Institute has been carried out by HAREDA, Karnal vide order no. DNRE/HAREDA/EC/2022/2494 dated 23.02.2022 in April 2022.The implementation of recommendations given in the report of the Energy audit team are in progress so as to make the institute efficient in electrical energy and can save the energy and resources for the future of our country.
2. Energy Efficient Lighting: This institute has replaced the conventional lighting system with the energy efficient lighting system i.e. LED lighting in the campus, hostel and street lighting etc .
3. Replacement of Old Fans: The Institute has replaced all the old fans that were consuming much more power with the new efficient fans in the campus.
4. Regular Maintenance : Regular maintenance work is carried out in the institute such as extra looping of cables has been removed to improve the power quality. Also the cutouts changeover switches contacts are checked time to time so as to decreases the contact losses of electrical energy.
5. Awareness in students: Faculties of the institute always motivate the students for conservation of the electrical energy in the institute as well as in their home


Installation of the Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant under RESCO mode is in pipeline and the Institute has already submitted the following submissions to ADC Cum, Chief Project Officer Karnal .
1. Format for providing information of Govt. Building for the installation of the Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant under RESCO mode.
2. Consent form for the installation of grid connected rooftop (GCRT) Solar Power Plant from the user department/ organization under RESCO mode.
Also ADC Cum Chief Project Officer Karnal has submitted a feasibility report to Director General HAREDA Panchkula for the installation of the Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant under RESCO mode of 100 KWp.